Thursday, November 24, 2016


There are times where I'm sitting alone in my house and feeling sorry for myself - mainly because I've had 2 failed marriages which makes me feel like a failure. But I have to stop and slap myself and remember that I have TONS to be thankful for.

1. I have many, many friends. Friends that will be there for me when I need them. They are friends from past jobs, coworkers now, choir friends - from 2 choirs, church friends - from 2 churches, old friends from grade school, high school and college, and mostly my family - they are all friends too.

2. My job - it is a job that most people would never want, I hear that a lot. But I like it. I am woefully underpaid for what I do, but with only 5 years to retirement I'm not anxious for a change at this point. And because of career choices I've made I WILL be able to retire, unlike others that are working well into their 70's.

3. That I have a house - lots of people don't. And I complain that this place is too big for one person, but it's mine, it's "me" and I can change it to make it what I want it to be. I am thankful that I can pay the mortgage and the upkeep. When I can't do that any longer I'll find a smaller place.

4. Food to eat - I'm a great cook, and like my Mom, even though it is just me, I cook a nice meal every day and I eat healthy. She's almost 91, maybe I can reach 91 if I keep this up.

5. My health - I work out every day, ride a bicycle for 20+  miles without a problem, have good blood pressure and take no medications. Not many 60 year olds, male or female can say that.

6. That I live in a country were we have a voice in our government, both local and national, and a court system that is based on a justice for everyone.

A few years ago we were challenged at work to write down 3 things that were blessings in our lives and to do that daily for 21 days. I saved all of those post-its and look back at them now an then as a reminder to always be thankful.