Monday, December 23, 2013

Christmas Baking - Just Can't Help Myself

When I was kid, my Mom always made Christmas cutout cookies. She used my Grandma Slife's recipe I think, the same one use still. Each of us 7 kids would get a ball of dough to roll out and use whatever cookie cutter we wanted. I remember it being quite a mess but lots of fun too. I don't remember the decorating part but I do remember how good they tasted.  When I had my own kids, I continued this tradition. Here's a picture of the boys from about 1985 - they were such cuties! And so much help with the cookies. I think Nick has a bit of frosting on his cheeks. We always made sure there were some set aside for Santa.

Yesterday I made my cookies - alone this time - so I could give them away to friends and family - and have a few for me!  My life has been  mess lately (more on that in a later post) but if I can be busy with baking or gardening, I'm still happy.

Cutting out the cookies.
Ready to decorate - this was a mess. I cleaned my kitchen twice yesterday but today I found all kinds of sprinkles on the floor and had to clean it again. 

They do look nice though. I hope someday to be  able to make these cookies with my grandkids.
Cookies and PB candy ready to deliver.
This is the PB candy - so easy to make and so Yummy!
And just in time for Christmas these pretty flowers are blooming in my back yard - gotta love AZ weather!
Merry Christmas Everyone!

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